Thursday, September 4, 2008

The First Day of Kindergarten

Mackenzie loves her Big Brother!
Our Handsome Gavin
Mommy and Gavin
Gavin and Daddy
Gavin and his teacher, Mrs. Axton

Here are a few pictures of Gavin's first day of Kindergarten.  He was so excited to go to school! He has been waiting for school to start for days!  Mackenzie was excited too.  She had her Bitty Baby Back Pack stuffed with all of her important things.  Gavin was very sweet with her and gave her lots of hugs and kisses.  Gavin and I made a first day of school gift basket for his teacher.  I had gotten one a few years back when I taught K and thought it was a great idea.  I have been waiting 5 years to make a first day of school basket.  I think that his teacher really liked it.  It was my first day of school too, so I didn't get to see him walk into his room.  I guess it was better that way, I probably would have cried with all the other moms.  Gavin's first day went well.  He said it was a little boring and that he didn't even get to play with any of the toys!  He said all they did was "write and stuff."  Welcome to the next 17 years of your life!  Get used to it, Gavin!  This is going to be a great year!


Christine said...

Your first day was a lot like mine. Off to do my own thing...wanting to stay and watch my babies! I can't believe our boys are 5. Feels like just yesterday we were comparing tummies. Glad you got to get away for a bit with the grown-ups. Good luck getting back into the school routine. Hope to catch up soon.

Annie said...

Mel, I just love these pictures. You have such a beautiful family. I am glad he is enjoying kinder.