Monday, December 22, 2008

A visit with SANTA!!!

Ok, so after this...I am officially caught up on blogging until Christmas...yes, three more days!  Today we went to South Coast and stood in line with all of the other kids and moms that waited until 3 days before Christmas to see Santa.  Never again will I wait until the 22nd of December.  We waited a good hour to see him.  My sister and her kids got to the mall just 10 minutes or so after we had our turn.  They ended up waiting at least 90 minutes!  We were good at killing time...we watched the train, walked the mall, read books at Boarders, rode the little kids train, paid a visit to See's candy and had lunch!  It was a fun day, but an exhausting one too!  I was a little nervous as to how Mackenzie would do, but to our surprise, she did great!  She walked right up to him and climbed on his lap.  She told him right away that she would like a new baby stroller for her baby and Gavin would like a Indiana play set.  Enjoy the pics!

Having a Little Family Time!

Every so often, the Cousins come to play!  The kids really have a blast and it is so much fun to watch them grow up together!  We wish that they lived a little closer...yes, I know, Aliso Viejo is not that far...but closer would be even more FUN!  The kids all took a bath together... well, in shifts!  A tub big enough for 6 kids is called a spa...or a POOL!

Ready for a Big Girl Bed!, it is just about time for Kenzie to get her new big girl bed.  We ordered her bed from Pottery Barn Teen and they said 3 - 6 weeks for delivery.  Then a week later we got a call saying it had shipped!  I got a little sad that she is, in fact, going to be in a big girl bed starting in just a few weeks. Feeling a little bit sad about the whole thing, I decided that we ought to take some pictures of Kenzie playing in her crib.  I love her crib.  I love everything about seeing her in that crib...the one that used to be Gavin's.  Now Gavin is 5 1/2 and Mackenzie is 2 1/2.  Where has the time gone?  I am going to miss that crib, and I will probably shed a few tears when we take it down.  Not only will Kenzie be in her Big Girl bed, but it will be the end the baby years... there will not be another little baby in that crib...well, not until I am a grandmother.  I plan to keep it for the next 25 years!!!!  So, I guess there is some light at the end of the tunnel....a 25 year tunnel!

Fall Harvest Pictures

Another tradition... pumpkin pictures at the park.  Yes, we took them after Thanksgiving and after our Christmas cards pictures, but it is tradition!  Not taking them was NOT an option!  The kids had a fun time posing with the pumpkins.  Kenzie was a ham as usual!  She is either hot or cold!  She is a love it, or hate it kind of girl.  We got her on a 'love it' day!

Christmas Pictures at the Park

Well, here are a few of the 'hundreds' of photos that we took at the park this year to get the perfect one for the Christmas cards.  It was fun.  The kids did pretty well.  Trying to get 6 kids under the age of 6 1/2 to look at the camera at the same time is very challenging!  I hope that you enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Patch 08

We went to the pumpkin patch this evening and had a great time!  Kenzie ran all over the place and boy is she fast!  I think that it must be her new shoes!  Gavin had a great time too.  He really wanted to ride all of the little 50 cent rides.  He looked like a giant in those...he has grown so much!  My folks came with us tonight to take some family pictures...thanks for the help, mom!  I think that Kenzie and Gavin are going to have a great Halloween this year!  I can't wait to share the next batch of photos! 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Apple Picking at Los Rios

Today we went apple picking at Los Rios Apple Farm.  We had such a great time spending the day together.  The kids had a great time, and it was extra special that Lauryn was able to join us.  Each of the kids got to pick apples by hand and by using the apple picker pole.  We all enjoyed eating a fresh picked apple on the way home.  It was such a great experience for all of us, we are going to make this a tradition!  

Fire Station Fun!

In October the fire houses have an open house.  We took the kids and met up with Candice and her kids...and our friends, the Swartz Family.  We had a great time.  The kids enjoyed the tour of the fire station, trying on the gear, and exploring the fire engine and ambulance.  There is never a dull moment when we all get together!  Ha, ha, ha...

An Evening at the Beach...

It was so warm the first couple weeks of October so, one evening I took the kids down to the beach at 5:00 to play in the sand and watch Lindsey surf.  I think it was still 85 degrees!  A nice warm evening and the kids had the best time!  Well....until the end, when Mackenzie came unglued!